Thursday 19 May 2016

Unite to fight for Scottish Independence

I do wish the Yes movement would stop bickering over what the best tactical pro-indy vote would have been in a system in which tactical voting is practically impossible. I have heard many folk in the pro-independence movement becoming really annoyed and disheartened by blaming people for voting a particular way or other. It is over and we could talk ad-infinitum over the SNP's #bothVotesSNP being a good idea or not, or some people splitting their vote between the Greens and the SNP.
The ballots have been cast in the Scottish Parliamentary elections for another 5 years, the polling stations long closed and the results are in, squabbling over could haves and should haves can serve no purpose than divide a movement that must be united if we are to move our cause forward.
There is majority for independence in parliament it is our task now to ensure there is a clear and consistent public support for independence. 
There is also the advantage to having the Tories as the main opposition. Nicola Sturgeon as newly elected First Minister can now put Ruth Davidson on the rack over what the Conservatives are doing in London and how this is adversely affecting Scotland and its people. Thinking about it this should be very easy!
Also should this dynamic persist as looks very likely, when the Scottish Independence Referendum comes around it should be much easier to argue that the only way to a more socially just Scotland lies in the path to independence. Do you want A Tory Government for Westminster to decide on what is best for Scotland or do you want Scotland to decide what happens? I know which one I want. 

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