Saturday 17 September 2016

Working Class #Brexiters in #England are in for a rude of awakening

It has been an astonishing 48 hours in the UK. I like many others thought there would be a very narrow #RemaIN vote. The ideal result I thought would have been the UK voting narrowly IN but only thanks to Scottish votes.

Both campaigns were appalling. Did you pick the #ProjectFear of the #RemaINers or did you pick the #ProjectFear with the addition of #ProjectHate of the #VoteLeavers? Thanks it seems to the poor and more marginalised in England outside London the UK voted for #Brexit.

This opens a pandora's box of turmoil and possible constitutional change for the UK with its external neighbours in Europe and the EU, but also inside the UK as it now opens constitutional problems with Scotland once again as that UK constituent country voted heavily to #RemaIN.

One of the major planks of the Scottish Independence Referendum campaign in 2014 was that to vote NO in that referendum would mean Scotland would be ejected from the EU. So therefore the only way to preserve that membership was to Vote NO.

By any measure therefore a second Scottish Independence Referendum must be seen as very likely, most probably within the next 2 years.

I for one will be working very strongly in any future Scottish Independence Referendum for a Yes vote once again. This time I believe the campaign will be easier as many of the things used to scare the Scots into voting against independence by the UK Government and the heavily biased media, including most obviously the BBC have now been proved to be lies. Many are listed in 'The Wee Black' book recently released.

So, the poorer sections of the community in ‪#‎England‬ have voted ‪#‎Leave‬ in order to kick the UK Government in ‪#‎London‬ and undermine the ‪#‎UK‬ elite. But a ‪#‎Brexit‬ effectively gives that UK Government in #London and the UK elite even more power.

This means a significant proportion of the English population are in for a rude of awakening as Brexit will actually mean a further deterioration in their fortunes.

I don't doubt that they have been marginalised, seen their wages drop, their working conditions deteriorate, their rights undermined, are finding it hard to access services like the NHS,

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