Sunday 16 October 2016


In a fine speech at the SNP Conference in Glasgow's SECC on Friday 15th October 2016 Alex Salmond former Scottish First Minister and former SNP Leader condemned Theresa MNay's intolerant, backward looking depressing little England, which given the NO vote in September 2014 Scotland remains attached to.

Alex Salmond, SNP Foreign Affairs Spokesperson making his speech at SNP Conference Glasgow 2016

Mr Salmond, now SNP Foreign Affairs Spokesperson said the following...

They say that people who choose to live and work here in our country are a problem and need to be kicked out. We say they are an asset and must stay with us.
They say that other Europeans among us are cards to be played or bargaining chips to be staked. We say they are our fellow citizens.
We should be grateful to the Tory Party. In their Birmingham conference they lifted the lid on the true intent and the emptiness of their programme.
If we stick to London rule then we know exactly what lies in store; a closed, intolerant, backward-looking society. Theresa May's little England - has there ever been a more miserable, depressing, backward-looking notion ever offered to the people of this nation?
There is a better way for Scotland. Let us proclaim our vision of a new Scotland - open, tolerant, prosperous, growing and above all free to choose our own way forward.
Cartoon : Nicola Sturgeon pulling Scotland towards Europe, Theresa May pushing England away from Europe

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