This post follows from my previous one on the same subject which can be accessed using this link...
The story continues in my ex political party branch. I do wish I had never joined this party, or at least this branch, as it has made my opinion of politicians even lower than they were ever before.
Fred, the one filled with bile and hatred for anyone who says something which he doesn't like, who I mentioned in my previous post is a good friend of the Branch Leader who also happens to be the MP. Therefore Fred has considerable support for high quarters for his antics which have in effect ruined the branch. So many activists have now resigned and left that I can't count them. Some who have not yet left are actively considering this. And I can't say I am surprised.
The person I called Seamus has now resigned his position on the branch committee. Having been hounded and bullied for a facebook thread which was far more innocent than many that were doing the accusing had written themselves. He in my opinion was the best head this branch never had and will never get the chance to have now ever again.
Fred's cohort Arthur who was far more vitriolic at the meeting in question, has been promoted and now works for the MP/ Branch Leader and also the new MSP. This is his reward for being a thug, a bully and a yes man. He has no experience or qualifications for these posts apart from being a good friend of the MP/ Branch Leader.
Had the minutes of the meeting where the bullying actually took place actually reflected what occured it would have been impossible for Arthur to get these positions. Indeed in my opinion Seamus could have made it a police matter as if it had happened in a public place outside in full view there is no way they would have not been involved.
Arthur all ready had a job. Therefore both the MP/ Branch Leader, and the MSP (no doubt on the MPs instruction) have placed Arthur in jobs which could be more effectively done by another far more qualified person with relevant experience on the basis of his friendship with the MP/ Branch Leader.
This is called cronyism or nepotism. The definition of these terms is below.
'the practice among those with power or influence of favouring relatives or friends, especially by giving them jobs.'
This also means fully qualified people who are currently unemployed in the branch area who would better at the jobs that Arthur is now being paid for have not had the chance to even apply for them.
I am disgusted and enraged, but can do nothing but take my bile and anger out in this blog.
It is pointless saying anything at meetings even if I now went to them, as the minutes reflect what the Branch Leader/ MP wants them to reflect and not what actually happens. Therefore I shall save my breath.
Supplied by a contributor who wishes to remain anonymous. I have no idea which party or which branch is talked about in this post. In Scotland however if there is an MP involved the party involved is unlikely to be only 1, and the contributor is aware that this page is for those that believe in Scottish Independence.
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